




Looking For Alice

Eine Fotostrecke inspiriert von dem weltberühmten Mä

Who am I? The one question that leaves us searching for an answer our hole lives.
The human identity is a constantly changing construct, defined and shaped by everything
we come in contact with throughout our lives. Gender being a huge part of that given identity, my search for my own is guided by the question: what does it mean do be a woman in our society?
A society that is build on a heteronormative and patriarchal collective memory, the male gaze being one of its` most influential patterns, we still encoun- ter today. As a woman I am constantly exposed to a perspective in the media, that is objectifying bodies, creating unrealistic beauty standards and therefore reinforcing social gender differences, resulting in an internalized misogyny.
When the male gaze is omnipre- sent, how do we define the opposite - a female gaze?
Is it possible to shape and enforce it through self portrai- ture?

Pictures of bodies in our media and in real life, are the mirrors we choose to search in for ourselves. What is important to consider is, that one picture would always fail to capture one’s hole identity.
Photography can only work as a way of deconstructing and reconstructing this identity.
It can be used as a tool to change perspecti- ves, narratives and therefore hole stories.

„The Things I Touch“ is a series breaking down my identity, in hope to deconstruct my internalized male gaze through self portraiture, enforcing and shaping a female gaze. Womanhood being an aspect of my identity I focused on my closest female relationships, the people and the places that touch me as well as I touch them. As humans, we grasp the world with our hands. They are our first point of contact with everything that sur- rounds us. In them, we hold the hands of the people who are important to us, we grasp the handles that open doors to new and old places and we touch our- selves. Of course, my hands play a major role in the question, asking about my identity, for it is one of the things, that distinguishes me from other people and defines who I am, but certainly not the only.

Looking For Alice

Eine Fotostrecke inspiriert von dem weltberühmten Mä


A photography series capturing the changing rooms of the famous luxury department store "Harrods", located in London.
Created as part of the Central Saint Martins "Fashion Communication and Promotion's" final semester exhibition at Tenderbooks in Soho, London.

Looking For Alice

Eine Fotostrecke inspiriert von dem weltberühmten Mä


Trust, mindfulness and confidence.

They are connected by an invisible string.
A team that is perfectly coordinated and forms a dynamic unit. With a matter of course, they line up their feet identically as soon as they sit down. Their hands lie symmetrically to each other on their thighs and their backs are straight. Synchronized swimming means merging as an individual with a larger team. Trusting in your partners creates the essential foundation. Trusting in each other's ability, in devotion and in a feeling for each other. “We are like sisters and the big sisters take care of the little ones. We just have to look out for each other.” - Aleyna Dede
A team that impresses with its unified appearance and yet counts on the differences of each individual. Through their different personal abilities, they complement each other and create a space where people believe in themselves and in each other.

A series that accompanies the synchronized swimming team „Die Schwäne“ from the SG WaRa, Germany.

Looking For Alice

Eine Fotostrecke inspiriert von dem weltberühmten Mä



Looking For Alice

Eine Fotostrecke inspiriert von dem weltberühmten Mä

Crux. Editorial

A fashion editorial in collaboration with Central Saint Martins fashion design students.

Looking For Alice

Eine Fotostrecke inspiriert von dem weltberühmten Mä

Anita Hass

Ecomerce Editorial

Looking For Alice

Eine Fotostrecke inspiriert von dem weltberühmten Mä

By Claussen

F/W 2021 published in Vogue Germany

Looking For Alice

Eine Fotostrecke inspiriert von dem weltberühmten Mä

Es Tellert

A fashion editorial inspired by the German photographer Jürgen Teller.

ID Online

Looking For Alice

Eine Fotostrecke inspiriert von dem weltberühmten Mä


Looking For Alice

Eine Fotostrecke inspiriert von dem weltberühmten Mä


Fashion editorial

Looking For Alice

Eine Fotostrecke inspiriert von dem weltberühmten Mä

Agency Tests

Different test shootings for model agencies.

Looking For Alice

Eine Fotostrecke inspiriert von dem weltberühmten Mä


Bella shot on Kodak Tri-x 400 shot with the ContaxtT2.

Creating La Comunità Grande

Creating La Comunità Grande is a movie, documenting the process of Paulina Germershausen's interior design thesis.
It captures our travels through Italy, conversations with the locals, culture, food and friendship.

The Other Woman

Maria Alsen Collection 2020